The Corpus Christi Chapel

Kaple boziho tela KH

This inconspicuous building in the immediate vicinity of St. Barbara’s recalls the period just before work started on the Cathedral. At the time the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi founded a cemetery chapel with an ossuary inspired by the famous ossuary in Sedlec. This gave rise to a beautiful indoor space in the high Gothic style.


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The Karel Kryl exhibition


Karel Kryl was a famous Kroměříž native and has become the inspiration for a new experiential exhibition that emphasises Kryl’s distinctive and unmistakable work full of joy, wit and poetics, but at the same time containing defiance, sadness, sarcasm and later disillusion with the political developments in the Czech Republic. The diverse works of this poet with a guitar are full of emotion just like...
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Old Town Bridge Tower

(Staroměstská mostecká věž)

The bridge tower on the Old Town side of Charles Bridge was built at the same time as the Gothic bridge by Charles IV in 1357 as not only a fortified tower but also a symbolic triumphal arch on the Bohemian kings’ coronation route. This is attested by the rich sculptural decorations on its eastern facade. Inside the tower is an exhibition of old musical instruments from the National Museum collections.

Charles Bridge

was built in 1357 to replace an earlier Romanesque bridge from the second half of...
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tagy: Klatovy
The Catacombs


klatovy katakomby

A unique Klatovy monument with its origins in the XVII century, when the Jesuits came to the town. The crypt under the Church of St. Ignatius served as the burial site of their leading members. The first funerals were in 1676. In all there were 200 people buried in Klatovy, that being up to 1784, when Emperor Josef II banned these practices. Today, only 38 of the bodies remain as in 1937 imprudent rep...
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The Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist


The rare and unique UNESCO monument - the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist in Sedlec near Kutná Hora - is a convent of the former Cistercian Abbey, the oldest in Bohemia (founded in 1142). Together with the world-famous Sedlec Ossuary, this cathedral forms an integral part of the oldest part of Kutná Hora.

Open: all year

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Kavárna Union

unionKavárna Union je honosná secesní třípatrová nárožní budova s mohutnou zvonovou střechou postavená v letech 1907 - 1909 podle architektonického návrhu českolipské projekční a stavební firmy John a Jisba. Průčelí obloukového nároží je bohatě vyzdobeno štukovým dekorem, pilastrovými útvary, tvarově náročnými okenními rámy, arkýři a průběžným balkónem. 

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KD Crystal

crystalKD Crystal je zástupcem moderní architektury. Jedná se o multifunkční objekt v centru města, který navrhl architekt Jiří Suchomel s kolektivem. Stavba doplňuje a uzavírá klášterní zahradu patřící k Vlastivědnému muzeu a galerii. Stavba započala v roce 1975, otevření kulturního domu pak proběhlo v prosinci roku 1990. Budova je zapuštěna do terénního rozdílu mezi zahradou a údolní nivou Ploučnice. Šikmá jižní fasáda s funkcí vzduchového kolektoru sluneční energie, částečné zapuštění do země, dobré tepelně izolační provedení a možnost akumulace tepla v podloží budovy tvoří celkový koncept energetické úspornosti. Kromě dv...
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The tour of Malá Strana includes visits to the gardens and inspection of other places of interest and takes between half a day and a whole day. To see everything it offers it is best to make the tour between April and late October, starting at the Malostranská Metro station or walking from Hradčanské náměstí square down the Zámecké schody (Castle Staircase).

In Valdštejnské náměstí (Wallenstein Square) is the entrance to the garden of Ledeburský palác (Ledebour Palace; Valdštejnské náměstí 3/162). This early-18th-century garden is one of the ring of palace gardens on the southern slopes below Prague Castle. The others are the...
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The colonnade and the Singing Fountain


13 Marianske-Lazne fontana

Colonnades were always the centre of spa life. The biggest landmark in Mariánské Lázně is the main colonnade with a unique cast iron structure. In the immediate vicinity of the main colonnade are the Cross Colonnade and Caroline’s Spring, where several springs rise to the surface. Another beautiful building is Ferdinand’s Spring Colonnade, which is the dominant feature ...
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The Colonnades

DSC 4470-Edit-2

Mill Colonnade - a neo-Renaissance stone colonnade with twelve allegorical sandstone statues representing each month of the year. In all five mineral springs rise up in the interior of Karlovy Vary’s biggest colonnade.

Orchard Colonnade - A decorated, fixed, ca...
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The Church of the Virgin Mary

kostelThe Church of the Virgin Mary on the main road – this Baroque church with a massive onion dome was built from 1727-1732 on the site of an older chapel from 1694. It was commissioned by the owner of the local estate Count Wolf Jindřich Notha...
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St. Luke’s Church, the Wax Museum


During a visit to St. Luke’s Church, which is one of Karlovy Vary’s neo-Gothic gems, visit the Wax Museum. The exhibition is made up of the oldest wax dummies in the world and will acquaint you with the famous visitors to Karlovy Vary, such as royal families, politicians, gene...
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St. Mary Magdalene’s Church


Originally a Medieval Gothic church, St. Mary Magdalene’s Church is surrounded by a cemetery and was built in the second half of the 14th century, on the hill above the Thermal Spring in the middle of Karlovy Vary. The Church was rebuilt in 1518. The church’s interior is richly decorated with Baroque fixtures from the 18th century. In the church’s basement it is worth taking a...
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St. James’ Church

St. James’ Church


The Church of St. James the Greater stands in the old part of Sokolov between the Old and Rose squares. The Church of St. James the Greater has a single nave and the main altar, by Jan Pavel Seydl, dates from 1756; two side altars from the Servite Church of St. Michael in Prague were transported here in 1786. We can also s...
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The ossuary in Sedlec

Kutna Hora kostnice

A unique ossuary can be found below the Church of all Saints at the Kutná Hora cemetery in Sedlec, it is decorated almost entirely with human bones. It is made of the remains of the deceased from the plague epidemics. There are forty thousand and they are stacked into pyramids whilst others are used for unusual decorations, such as chandeliers, columns, and so on.

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