The experiential cuisine relies on a simple menu that is always based on good ingredients, fresh herbs and an open fire. When preparing the meals you can watch the chef as he cooks your food. Whether you try a good helping of honey-and sage ribs, tuck in to a beef steak or try a pork speciality in the form of ‘Krajcpánks’, your satisfaction is guaranteed.
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The Barracuda bar is one of the favourite establishments in Karlovy Vary. This is testified to by the fully occupied tables and packed dance floor. Every Friday and Saturday you can dance to the hits of the 1980’s and 1990’s. The great atmosphere is naturally complemented by excellent drinks and friendly staff. Not only can you taste classic drinks and ori...
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The hotel has its own kitchen and restaurant.
As soon as you walk into it, you suddenly find yourself thousand...
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The town of Hradčany was founded as the third town of Prague after 1320, under the reign of King John of Luxembourg, but was granted the full rights of a free royal town only under Emperor Rudolph II. The tour may start at Pohořelec and may be followed by the tour of Prague Castle, or vice versa. Without an inspection of the interiors, two hours will suffice, interiors included it may take half a day.
Pohořelec is one of the three squares of this smallest of Prague’s towns and its Czech name alludes to the local frequent fires. The memorial of two astronomers, Johann Kepler and Tycho de Brahe, was erected here in memory of the house where the latter once lived. He died in P...
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The Premonstratensian monastery at Strahov
A permanent exhibition of the historical bibliotheca (Cabinet of curiosities,
Theological Philosophical Hall)
Prague 1, Strahovské nádvoří 1
Tel.: +420 233 107 716, Tel./Fax: +420 233 107 749
Open daily 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00, Private tours tel.: 00420 602 190 297
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Lanovka s krásnými výhledy na hřebeny Beskyd, v létě dětský park s lanáčkem a dalšími desítkami atrakcí, single trails, obora s divokou zvěří, tematické rodinné stezky, wellness. V zimě denně upravované sjezdové a běžecké tratě, zimní dětský lyžařský park s největší lyžařskou školou na Moravě… To vše jen na Bílé.
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In the ground-floor rooms of the former chateau brewery, where Bedřich Smetana was born in 1824, there is an exhibition of the composer’s childhood in Litomyšl. It endeavours to bring the atmosphere of the Smetana household, their family life and the associated events and how this reflected on Smetana’s work.
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We invite you to the Nošovice brewery, which bears the name of the old Slavic god Radegast. On the tour you’ll get to know the history of the brewery and the brewing process for the distinctly bitter Radegast. Visit the production sites. See how the brewery produces malt from selected barley from the Haná region. In the brewing house, the heart of the brewery, you will see the brewery trout making sure the water is of excellent quality. In a speci...
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It will enamour all lovers of good beer and food. Every month they brew four new kinds of beer. You can enjoy local specialities that are often made from beer and malt. The interior is made all the more pleasant by the presence of the brewing vats. Moreover the staff are very pleasant and friendly. This restauran...
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The Brno Underground, open in three easily accessible parts, attracts those interested in looking under the streets and squares. The largest is the Labyrinth under the Vegetable Market, historically the oldest public space in the city, with an interesting guided tour. During the tour you’ll also get to peek in at the Mint Master’s Cellar under the Dominican Square and the Ossuary under St. James’ Church. This is the largest ossuary in the Czech Republic and the second largest in Europe and has the bones of mor...
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The Brno Underground, open in three easily accessible parts, attracts those interested in looking under the streets and squares. The largest is the Labyrinth under the Vegetable Market, historically the oldest public space in the city, with an interesting guided tour. During the tour you’ll also get to peek in at the Mint Master’s Cellar under the Dominican Square and the Ossuary under St. James’ Church. This is the largest ossuary in the Czech Republic and the second largest in Europe and has the bones of more than 50 thousand de...
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This is the oldest monument in Tábor dating from the second half of the 13th century. Time and fires led to its losing its defensive significance so much so that in 1612-1613 it was converted into a brewery. Only one of the four towers of Kotnov Castle has remained and it is open to the public. Here you will find the exhibition “The Life and Work of Medieval Society”. There is also an exhibition called “Tábor’s Treasure”, which holds nearly 4,000 silver coins. Follow Klokotská Street from the square to get to the castle.
Open: May-September weekends only
Admission: Bechyńská Gate CZK 40, Kotnov observation tower, CZK 20, Castle night tou...
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This royal castle dating from the 13th century and reconstructed during the 17th and 18th centuries into a baroque fort, was the most famous prison in the Hapsburg monarchy and called the “gaol of nations”. Nowadays it houses the Brno City Museum with exhibitions on the history of the castle and the city and occasional art exhibitions. The casemates are also open to the public – dark rooms in the battlements originally used as a shelter for the soldiers, l...
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Pozdně gotický vodní hrad v lukách při řece Úhlavě severně od Klatov byl založen roku 1480 Půtou Švihovským, tehdy jedním z nejbohatších a nejvlivnějších mužů v Čechách. První část hradu byla dokončena roku 1489, celý pak roku 1510. V 18. století byla celá stavba přestavěna na sýpku, v polovině 20. století byl hrad obnoven a zpřístupněn veřejnosti. Zajímavost - hrad s opevňovacím vodním systémem patřil k nejlepším pevnostem své doby.
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After Prague Castle and Český Krumlov, the complex of castle and chateau buildings in Jindřichův Hradec is the third largest castle complex in the Czech Republic, a national cultural monument and the town’s most important monument. Among the most precious parts of the gothic castle are the Gothic Palace, the Chapel of the Holy Ghost, called the Courthouse, ...
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